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Blog / Recipe: Easy Lettuce Wraps

Recipe: Easy Lettuce Wraps

Recipe: Easy Lettuce Wraps

By Caitlyn McIntosh, SNAP/Outreach Lead, and Emily Gallion, Grants & Metrics Manager/Advocacy Manager

Occasionally we hear from students in the Miami Valley who want to collaborate with us on different school projects. This recipe is coming to you from Centerville High School Senior Megan Fahrenkamp, who collaborated with us on a cookbook for her Girl Scout Gold Award.

The cookbook was created using foods we hand out here at The Foodbank, encouraging families to be creative with their cooking and reduce food waste. 

Lettuce Wraps (serves 4)


  •     oil (of any kind)
  •     ½ of an onion (of any color)
  •     1 pound/package ground meat
  •     soy sauce
  •     salt
  •     pepper
  •     ½ of a head of lettuce (separated into big leaves)/½ of a bag of lettuce


  1. Separate leaves from lettuce head
  2. Heat oil to medium heat. Wash and dice onion, and cook until translucent.
  3. Add meat and cook until no longer pink.
  4. Season meat and onions with soy sauce, salt, and pepper.


  1. Wash lettuce and fill the lettuce leaves/top the bagged lettuce with meat mixture and serve. Pairs well with the Fried Rice recipe in this cookbook.

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